IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)


On the Relationship Between the Developer’s Perceptible Ethnicity and the Evaluation of Contributions in GitHub

Authors: Reza Nadri Gema Rodríguez-Pérez Meiyappan Nagappan

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 2104.06143, pp. To appear, 2021

Preprint: PDF

Year: 2021

Watch out for Extrinsic Bugs! A Case Study of their Impact in Just-In-Time Bug Prediction Models on the OpenStack project

Authors: Gema Rodríguez-Pérez Meiyappan Nagappan Gregorio Robles

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, pp. To appear, 2020

Preprint: PDF

Year: 2020

Effects of Personality Traits on Pull Request Acceptance

Authors: Rahul Iyer S. Alex Yun Meiyappan Nagappan Jesse Hoey

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019

Preprint: PDF

Year: 2019

Replicating and re-evaluating the theory of relative defect-proneness

Authors: Mark D. Syer Meiyappan Nagappan Bram Adams Ahmed E. Hassan

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 176-197, 2014

Year: 2014

The impact of classifier configuration and classifier combination on bug localization

Authors: Stephen W. Thomas Meiyappan Nagappan Dorothea Blostein Ahmed E. Hassan

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 10, pp. 1427-1443, 2013

Year: 2013

The Ghost Commit Problem When Identifying Fix-Inducing Changes: An Empirical Study of Apache Projects

Authors: Christophe Rezk Yasutaka Kamei Shane McIntosh

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, pp. To appear, 2021

Year: 2021

An Empirical Study of Type-Related Defects in Python Projects

Authors: Faizan Khan Boqi Chen Daniel Varro Shane McIntosh

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, pp. To appear, 2021

Year: 2021

Accelerating Continuous Integration by Caching Environments and Inferring Dependencies

Authors: Keheliya Gallaba Yves Junqueira John Ewart Shane McIntosh

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, pp. To appear, 2020

Year: 2020

Quantifying, Characterizing, and Mitigating Flakily Covered Program Elements

Authors: Shivashree Vysali Shane McIntosh Bram Adams

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, pp. To appear, 2020

Year: 2020

Code Reviews with Divergent Review Scores: An Empirical Study of the OpenStack and Qt Communities

Authors: Toshiki Hirao Shane McIntosh Akinori Ihara Kenichi Matsumoto

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, pp. To appear, 2020

Year: 2020

Use and Misuse of Continuous Integration Features: An Empirical Study of Projects That (Mis)Use Travis CI

Authors: Keheliya Gallaba Shane McIntosh

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 33-50, 2020

Year: 2020

The Impact of Automated Parameter Optimization on Defect Prediction Models

Authors: Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn Shane McIntosh Ahmed E. Hassan Kenichi Matsumoto

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 45, No. 7, pp. 683-711, 2019

Year: 2019

A Framework for Evaluating the Results of the SZZ Approach for Identifying Bug-Introducing Changes

Authors: Daniel Alencar da Costa Shane McIntosh Weiyi Shang Uirá Kulesza Roberta Coelho Ahmed E. Hassan

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 641-657, 2017

Year: 2017

The Use of Summation to Aggregate Software Metrics Hinders the Performance of Defect Prediction Models

Authors: Feng Zhang Ahmed E. Hassan Shane McIntosh Ying Zou

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 476-491, 2017

Year: 2017

An Empirical Comparison of Model Validation Techniques for Defect Prediction Models

Authors: Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn Shane McIntosh Ahmed E. Hassan Kenichi Matsumoto

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-18, 2017

Year: 2017

Comments on "Researcher Bias: The Use of Machine Learning in Software Defect Prediction"

Authors: Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn Shane McIntosh Ahmed E. Hassan Kenichi Matsumoto

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 42, No. 11, pp. 1092-1094, 2018

Year: 2018

Using origin analysis to detect merging and splitting of source code entities

Authors: Michael W. Godfrey L. Zou

Venue: TSE   IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 166-181, 2005

Year: 2005